EFHCA Alternatives
Trawl RCA Alternatives
Click on an EFHCA polygon on the map to add or remove it from the selection.
Select all or unselect all polygons from an EFHCA alternative using the or icon next to its name.
A summary of metrics for all selected polygons will display here.
To avoid double-counting in the summary metrics, if you select a polygon that overlaps a current selection, the overlapping polygon will be removed from the selection.
For the best experience, use the Chrome browser. Other browsers have not been thoroughly tested.
Click on an EFHCA polygon on the map to add or remove it from the selection.
Select all or unselect all polygons from an EFHCA alternative using the or icon next to its name.
A table listing all the selected polygons and their metrics will display here.
To avoid double-counting in the summary metrics, if you select a polygon that overlaps a current selection, the overlapping polygon will be removed from the selection.
For the best experience, use the Chrome browser. Other browsers have not been thoroughly tested.
The Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council) is developing Amendment 28 to the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan. The Council and NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) are considering proposed changes to Groundfish Essential Fish Habitat Conservation Areas (EFHCA) and the Trawl Rockfish Conservation Area (RCA), as well as prohibiting the use of bottom-contact fishing gear in waters deeper than 3,500 meters off the West Coast of the United States. The range of alternatives include areas to be closed to commercial trawl fishing, as well as currently closed areas to be reopened.
Before identifying a preferred set of alternatives, the Council considered the impacts and benefits of the alternatives to groundfish habitat, biological resources, and socioeconomics related to fishing opportunities and coastal communities.
The primary purpose of this tool is to support Council, stakeholder, and public review of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement. The user can select a custom set of polygons from any EFHCA Alternative and see a summary of the environmental metrics for their set. To provide context, associated data layers, such as existing trawl closures, jurisdictional boundaries, and Trawl RCA Alternatives can be displayed.
The EFHCA Alternatives are:
The Trawl RCA Alternatives are:
Alternative 3a is to close waters deeper than 3,500 meters to bottom contact gear (display from Reference Layers)
The Council, NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), scientists, tribes, fishermen, and non-governmental organizations laid the analytical groundwork for this review through a multi-year synthesis of new data sets and analyses. Results of the Groundfish Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Review are available through the EFH Catalog and the EFH Viewer. Additional layers and resources are available on the NWFSC/FRAM Data Warehouse.
The EFH/RCA Project Team produced a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) which is the basis for the metrics in this tool.
Web Development by Allison Bailey, Sound GIS
This tool allows a user to select a custom set of EFHCA alternative polygons and see a summary of the metrics for their set. Associated data layers, such as existing trawl closures, jurisdictional boundaries, Trawl RCA Alternatives, other EFHCA proposals can be displayed to provide additional context.
All Alternatives and Proposals:
Reference Layers:
EFHCA Alternatives only:
To avoid double-counting in the summary metrics, if you select a polygon that overlaps a current selection, the overlapped polygon will be removed from the selection.
For the best experience, use the Chrome browser. Other browsers have not been thoroughly tested.